Move In
Schedule Family Move In
MOVE IN Process
Enter the password below to access our scheduling form. Complete the form to the best of your ability to schedule a visit. You will receive an automated email confirming your property visit.
The property will be reserved until 48 hours after your visit. During this time, the property will not appear as available. Your email will provide instructions for moving forward with rental if desired.
If you do not complete a rental application within 48 hours of your visit, the property will be automatically relisted. After completing an application, you will receive a lease for review.
Please use the form below to schedule your property visit. Additional information and frequently asked questions are available below.
Access: A lock box should be in place near the door with keys to the property. Code will be provided after scheduling.
Availability: Available for same day move-in after (1) signed lease and (2) security deposit are submitted to the property management company.
Scheduling: Our process is fully automated. The minute a property is available, it will be listed in the scheduling form. Simlilarly, as soon as a property is reserved for a visit or rented, it is automatically removed from our listings.
Frequently ASked Questions
Will anyone meet me at the property?
No, all property visits are unaccompanied. A lock box will be present at the property and you will receive a lock box code in your confirmation email.
What if I can't get into the property?
For any access issues, please contact our property manager. Contact information should be provided in your confirmation email.
Can someone else rent the property before my visit?
No. Once you have scheduled a visit to the property and received a confirmation email, no other agencies will be able to schedule a visit to the same property until 48 hours after your scheduled visit. This process is intended to allow time for you and your sponsored family to decide if you would like to move forward.
Please note that the property will be automatically relisted if you do not take action to move forward with the property within 48 hours.
Why can I only schedule a few days in advance?
Our top priority is providing a home to a family as fast as possible. Since we reserve the property until your scheduled visit, we only allow scheduling a short length ahead of time. If you would like to visit the property on a later date than those available, just wait to schedule your visit. However, please note that the property will remain available to anyone else until a formal visit is scheduled.